
Available projects for BSc and MSc theses

Below you find a list of possible topics for BSc and MSc theses in the area of pattern recognition and related fields. Many more projects in the research domain of pattern recognition and machine learning are possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have an interesting idea or want to work something out together. We would love to hear about it – please contact a team member to discuss your idea.

In addition, we also offer topics for BSc theses in the area of human-computer interaction. If you are interested in this particular field, please contact us as well.

The detailed scope of the projects can be discussed and thoroughly defined with the supervisor. That is, the offered projects can be carried out as MSc or BSc thesis.  

For BSc theses a sample template is available. For MSc theses, a sample template is available on the JMCS website.

The document How-To write a Bachelor or Master Thesis in the Pattern Recognition Group describes in detail the formal requirements, the recommended tools, the expected content, some guidelines on scientific writing and assistance for structuring your thesis as well as the submission process.

Analyzing the Impact of Context Length for Large Language
Learning Graph Edit Distance via Reinforcement
Benchmarking and Analyzing Graph Machine
Deep Metric Learning on
Pattern-based Characterization of Evolving Variable
Supervised Learning of Configurations of an N-way Model Matching
Solving Real World Problems with Pattern

Completed Thesis Projects

AS 2020Analysis of Matching-GraphsBSc thesisVeronika Wu
AS 2022Matching Graphs with Enriched Node Labels using Weisfeiler-Lehmann HashesBSc thesisRaphael De Gottardi
SS 2024Automatic Exercise ClassificationBSc thesisAris Konstantinidis
SS 2024Imputing Gaps in Swiss River DatasetBSc thesisCarlo Robbiani
SS 2024Predicting Events of HypoglycemiaBSc thesisFabian Hüni
SS 2024Toxic Comment ClassificationBSc thesisLeroy Borgeaud dit Avocat
SS 2024Counting Sheep in Aerial Imagery Under Adverse ConditionsBSc thesisLars Wüthrich
SS 2024Reinforcement Learning for TichuBSc thesisNicolas Wyss
SS 2024Extraction of Vital Signs from Vibration SignalsBSc thesisRamon Näf
SS 2024Curling Strategy AnalysisMSc thesisMichael Brunner
